Sunday, July 31, 2011

Heather's pictures

Today mommy's friend, Heather Rigby, came to take Evan's newborn pictures (for free!) to build up her portfolio.  Here are a couple shots from it:

Saturday, July 30, 2011

What now?

It's been awhile since my last update.... What am I doing now?

Let's see....

I love to swing - in a big girl swing.

I love to be outside and ride bikes, play in the water table and do anything outdoors!

I really, really love Tinkerbell, Dora, Diego, and Curious George.

I have a best friend at daycare - Trinity.  We get to play everyday. I look forward to swinging with her when mommy takes me to daycare.

I call all chocolate, "egg."  My first few pieces of chocolate were left overs from Easter and they were little egg shaped milk chocolate pieces...

I call flashlights, "sunshine."

I call Lucky Charms cereal, "rainbows."

Bad habits: I still use a paci and I still don't use the potty! BOO!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

May I help with the dishes?

Mommy looks like she could use some help, so I thought I'd jump in.

Oh, wait, I'm really just playing in the water. I love to empty and fill cups and containers. I do love to scrub down the sink, which does help mommy "clean" a little....

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Why should I eat dinner at the table???

I mean, I promise I won't make a mess if I sit with mommy.... Oh, wait....

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Loving on my daddy and my brother...

I am such a great big sister and am doing so well.  Mommy is so proud of me!!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Let's go fishing!!!

Look at my new fishing pole (backpack with tackle box and sunglasses)!!! I love it!! Daddy took me outside and I practiced casting and reeling in the line. I do really well at it, although I like to go after the weighed fish (lure)....

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Sharing my swing with Evan

while I relax in "my" bouncy seat...

Friday, July 15, 2011


What do you do when mommy won't let you have your brother's paci?  Take the paci holder and make due...

Thursday, July 14, 2011

At home with Evan

I am so excited to be a big sister! I am not acting jealous at all and love to help mommy and daddy.  Here I am giving Evan his paci (even though he doesn't want it...):

Rocking with daddy and Evan:

Soothing Evan by patting his head and kissing his head and hand:

Sunday, July 10, 2011

I'm a big sister!!!

HE is here!! It's a boy!! I'm a big sister to a brother, Evan Charles! He was born late last night at 11:01pm weighing 10lbs 4ozs and 22in long.

I wasn't sure when I first met him...

But then I warmed up and touched his finger and cheek.

And we became a family of four!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Will I become a big sister today??

Mommy went into labor early this morning, so I went to Grandma and Grandpa's to wait on my baby sibling to be born. Everyone thought the baby would be here by late afternoon, so after naps, Grandma and Grandpa brought me up to the hospital. Since the baby was not born yet, daddy I and played in the room with mommy.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July weekend

Well, my sibling was supposed to be born by this weekend, but he is being stubborn (like his daddy!).  So, we got to celebrate the 4th of July with friends and family.  I got to go to a birthday party on Saturday for Noah. It was at a park, and boy was it hot. They had a firetruck come, but I slept through it (darn naps!).  Then Monday we went to Noah's mom and dad's house and watched Providence's fireworks show.  I LOVED it!!!  Fireworks were going off everywhere and I kept pointing at them saying "'dis way!!!" trying to get mommy and daddy to see what I was seeing.  It was so much fun, but I was tired when we left it was so late!  We had a great 4th and can't wait for my baby sibling to arrive!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

How to you sleep?

Taking a nap at Grandma's. Does this not look comfy to you??

Chillin' in the car

Just eating some nuggets and reading a book...