Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I'm 2 whole pounds and active as ever! Look at my new room too!

Well, I can't believe it has taken mom a whole month to post another blog for me. What has she been doing?! Oh, yeah, she's been shopping for me, registering for her baby showers, working on my room (well, dad has for sure), shopping for Christmas gifts (personal and work customers), delivering those gifts to the work customers, and the list goes on! Enough about her, though, I know you all really just care about what is going on with me! I am now over 2 pounds and mom is growing like crazy (not that a 25 pound weight gain before now wasn't growing like crazy!). I am kicking a lot more and just more active in general. I have found moms sciatic nerve. She gets down right immobile if I lean on it just right. I think I'm going to have fun with this the next three months! :) Mom did have a doctor's appointment on December 4th that was relatively uneventful, which is a good thing. She did get tested for gestational diabetes and thank goodness passed the test! Yeah! Now she won't have to worry about our health, watch her carb intake and be even more hormonal than she already is!

Mom and dad tried to video tape me last night to illustrate my activity and had some success. It was with their camera, as they do not have a video camera yet. It's not a thrilling 6 minutes, but mom and dad sure enjoyed it, and there are kicks and moves throughout, in addition to daddy annoying me! Well, after hours of waiting for the video to download, mom cannot get the blog to upload the video, she thinks it is too large. Darn! I guess you'll just have to wait in anticipation and see it next time! Keep coming to my blog and mom will record a shorter video that will upload.

Dad has also been busy the last two weeks. He has completely redone my room. I now have new paint, new trim, new crown molding, new doors and a new ceiling fan. Am I spoiled already or what?! My room is not very large, so it's hard to take pictures, but here is what mom was able to get (oh, check out what you can see of my new furniture and bedding too! Soon I will have my pictures and quilt hanging on the walls, but for some reason daddy just couldn't get to that yet this week!):

And last but not least, how much has mom grown? No numbers are being mentioned, so photos will have to do:

Mom's next appointment is the beginning of January. Merry Christmas to everyone! I hope you all have a wonderful, safe holiday!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Happy 30th Birthday, mom!!!

Today is moms 30th birthday and while dad had a cruise to Cabo secretly planned, I have changed those plans just a bit! :) Instead, dad surprised mom with a day out. He took her shopping, had an hour prenatal massage pre-scheduled and a Japanese dinner. Mom had a great birthday!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I am officially 1 whole pound!

And somehow mom has gained 23 pounds (Yes, you heard me right! And, yes, that's one for every week...not that I'm counting.). I hear her all the time blaming me, but I don't know how the other 22 pounds can possibly be my fault!!!

I am starting to kick mom a whole lot more now that I'm getting bigger. A few weeks ago mom and dad bought a device that enables them to listen to my heartbeat, kicks, hiccups and whatever else I decide to do. It can also play me music, let them talk to me and record me. It's pretty cool! Mom and dad finally found my heartbeat Monday night and were so excited!! They hope to find it again while Meermaw, Granddaddy, Grandma and Grandpa are in town for Thanksgiving, so everyone can hear it. They will try to record it soon too and I can post it for everyone to hear! Daddy has also been playing me music. I think I like it, but am still deciding. (He is hoping I get his musical abilities and maybe the music will promote that development. We'll just have to wait and see. I haven't decided yet if I am tone deaf or not!)

Moms cousin, Katie, has been begging for some updated photos of mom. So, reluctantly, mom let dad take her picture and here they are (be prepared, they are scary!):

Friday, October 31, 2008

I'm A .....


YEAH!!! :) Mom and dad went to the ultrasound Monday, the 27th with Meermaw, Grandaddy, Grandma and Grandpa for my 20 week ultrasound. It was so much fun! Everyone really enjoyed seeing me on the big screen! I was much more crowded this time, so it was more difficult to decipher me, but still an amazing experience for mom and dad once again. Dad told everyone he and mom were not going to find out my sex, but at the last minute he changed his mind (mom is still convinced he was always going to find out and was just messing with everyone the past 20 weeks! Ah, that's my dad!). After the ultrasound, my grandparents all headed home and mom and dad went to their regular check up. Dad got to find my heartbeat again at this appointment and I am still beating fast and strong! While searching for the heartbeat, the doctor had dad stop on the umbilical cord, I believe, and the doctor said that sound was a great sign. It showed that I am getting plenty of oxygen and blood supply from mom's cord! The doctor also went over the results from the measurements taken at the ultrasound. (you know, the real reason they do the ultrasound...) All of my measurements match up with my due date and show that I am, well, not to brag, but perfect. :) Other than that, mom was just warned AGAIN about gaining too much weight....some things will never change! (Ah, that's my mom!)

Here are a couple of pictures of me:

And here's mom:

Well, that's a bad angle, here's another picture of mom:

Mom's next appointment is December 4th!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Dad felt me kick!

Now that mom is certain she feels me kicking and moving around in her belly (Yeah!), she decided to try to get dad to feel a kick too. Since I seem to be most active at night (which mom thinks is not a good trend to start....but what does she expect, both her and dad are night owls!!), mom and dad decided to try it tonight. After our flight home, mom layed on the couch and just had dad keep his hand on her belly. At first he felt little movements, probably my back flips, and then I gave him one good jab. He could feel me!!! Yeah!!

Don't forget, Grandma, Grandpa, Meermaw and Grandaddy are coming up Friday/Saturday for my big ultrasound Monday. We are all so excited. Stay tuned!!!

My first flight

Well, after weeks of mom dreading my first flight, it is over and I was wonderful! I don't know what she was so worried about!! She mentioned something about being away from her doctor/hospital if there was an emergency and me making her sick on the flight. I say she just worries too much! :) This is just the beginning, mom!! Dad was going to go with her, but she talked him out of it. He needed to stay home and get some work done - at his job and on the house!!! Anyway, I was flying because mom had a business trip in Las Vegas. We left on Sunday and returned today. Mom followed doctor's orders and had her "spec" sheet if something did go medically wrong, drank lots of water on the flight, ate little snacks the whole way and walked around as much as the flight attendants would let her. I didn't make her sick at all, but I did kick her quite a bit to let her know I wished we were on the ground! We're glad to be back home!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Am I kicking mom?

While mom is still hesitant to definitely say she has officially felt me move, she is pretty sure last night while watching some DVR on the couch after work she felt me kick her twice. (Yeah! The day has finally arrived!!) She felt one little tap immediately followed by another. She should know that it was me, I mean I was pretty hungry and telling her to eat some dinner! She was trying to wait for dad, but I, like my mom, have no patience! Mom still hasn't really felt the flutters or queazy sensations the books say you feel early, so I may breeze on by that phase and jump right into kicking her. (lucky her, huh? All I can say is this is what she's been hoping for...)

Mom thinks she felt me again on the way home from work. She was singing to some Madonna on the radio when I gave her a little jab to subtly let her know she can't sing. Ironic? Probably not! :) Dad has now cut her off from any attempt at music so I am not mislead as to what "music is and should sound like." Dad is now going to take over all music/singing that I hear. (Trust me, this is a good thing and something mom really agrees with.) Mom is OK with this, but she may still try to sneak in some singing in the car. I mean, that's her therapy on the way home from work! What will she do on the way home if she's not belting some tunes?!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The big Ultrasound is...

My ultrasound to take my measurements and see if I am a boy or a girl is going to be on October 27th. Grandma and Meermaw will be coming too! We are all very excited. My next doctor's appointment will also be that day following the ultrasound. Mom still can't feel me, but hopefully one day soon!

Monday, September 29, 2008

My third doctor's appointment

Mom is now 16 weeks and just had her third appointment today. Everything went really well and mom and I are developing perfectly! Daddy was able to participate more in this appointment too. The doctor let him hold the Doppler machine and find my heartbeat. I was real still for him and showed everyone what a real strong heartbeat I have.

There was no ultrasound this time, but don't worry, more of the dreaded blood work (I hope mom can forgive me for all the needles she's enduring someday! HAHA!). While mom has wanted as many ultrasounds as possible, Shelli is only going to do 2, unless mom has any problems. The first ultrasound, as you've seen, mom had at 12 weeks for genetic testing and the second will be scheduled tomorrow for late October (20 weeks). At the second ultrasound, I will be measured to be sure I am developing alright and mom and dad can also find out if I am a boy or a girl. Shelli told mom they haven't done any long term testing on the affects of ultrasounds in children/adults, so she doesn't want to do any more ultrasounds on mom and pretty much made mom feel guilty if she insisted upon more. So, Shelli won and mom is learning to live with her impatience! Anyway, mom is now beyond antsy to feel me, but was told by the doctor that it's normal to not feel a thing until 20 weeks. That's still 4 weeks away - at least mom and dad got to hear my heartbeat again!

By the way, dad is still not convinced he wants to know until my birth what my sex is. Mom, being the impatient planner that she is, is dying to know! Stay tuned to see if mom and dad find out or not!

More to come later when we know when mom's next appointment and ultrasound is.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Family Photo

On August 17th, Grandma and Grandpa Holzer celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. They wanted their present to be an updated family photo, so I thought I would share with you my first family photo. While I can't be seen, just know I am there in mommy's tummy!

My first ultrasound, doppler and second doctor's appointment

It seemed like forever, but mom finally got her first ultrasound of me on August 28th. Boy were mom and dad excited, amazed and simply in awe over seeing me for the first time. What a miracle I truely am! After the ultrasound, mom had a doctor's appointment where the excitement continued. Since mom was 12 weeks now, the outside world could now hear my heartbeat with a Doppler. Mom and dad didn't want to leave either the ultrasound or the Doppler. Since mom still couldn't feel me, she loved the comfort of seeing me bounce all around and hearing my heartbeat. PS - Now mom is about to become quite antsy waiting the next couple of months before she sees or feels me!!! (you know she has no patience...)

And here I am:

And here mom is:

Stay tuned - Mom's next appointment is September 29th.

Telling the parents and siblings

Mom and dad decided they had to tell my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins in person. With none of them living in Nashville, TN, this caused most everyone to hear the great news on different days.

Grandaddy and Meermaw Felts were told first on July 20th as they headed back to GA (home) from a long trip to Nashville/Clarksville (this is a whole nother story involving my dad being in a cast and granddaddy coming to the rescue to keep dads small business going). Anyway, Granddaddy and Meermaw were onto mom and dad being pregnant, as mom had her doctors appointment and Grandaddy had to drive my dad to meet mom at the doctor's. Of course, Granddaddy and Meermaw were still very excited and told us I would be joined by a cousin, as Ross and Katie were also pregnant and due in March too. How exciting! (I think mom and Katie need to have a talk, as they seem to be on the same baby making schedule!)

Grandma and Grandpa Holzer and Uncle Bart, Aunt Kara, Zane and Annabeth were all told on July 26th in Indiana at a family reunion. I guess all of Grandma's side of the family was also told this day as your Uncle Bart couldn't contain his excitement and wait until mommy was a little farther along! That's OK, mom really enjoyed being able to share the news in person with everyone!

Last, but not least, Uncle David, Aunt Stacy, Kristen and DJ were told August 8th at Olive Garden. They were also very excited and can't wait to meet me!

My first Doctor's Appointment

On July 16th, mom and dad went to the doctor to confirm the pregnancy. My doctor is Shelli Collins with the Vanderbilt Midwife Practice. I know what you are thinking, and no I am not going to be born in the woods or at home. My mom values drugs, doctors and hospitals too much! I will be born at Vanderbilt Hospital, hopefully on a non-snowy, non-icy day in March! We found Shelli through my Aunt Kara, who has delivered my two beautiful cousins with Shelli. Mom's OB had just retired and with my pleasant surprise, well, mom needed an OB and Shelli was a good fit!

Stay tuned - Mom's next appointment and first ultrasound will be on August 28th.

The beginning

On July 7, 2008 my mom and dad found out that they were pregnant with me! This is where my glorious story begins! Dad decided to name me Roni, since at this point, I was the size of a rice (i.e. Rice-a-Roni). Here is a picture of mom, newly pregnant. If you can't tell, mom is holding a piece of rice by her belly to show how big I am in there. Just who are my goofy parents?! :)