On August 17th, Grandma and Grandpa Holzer celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. They wanted their present to be an updated family photo, so I thought I would share with you my first family photo. While I can't be seen, just know I am there in mommy's tummy!

AHHHHH Ross just told me you had this up and running:O) I am so very excited rfor you guys and I am going to be looking for updates very few days :O)heeheehee My blog is parkerlife04.blogspot.com
I think our due dates are 3 days apart !!! I think mine is on the 11th but taht might change on the 13th of Oct. I am going for an Ultrsound. Keep writing and posting pic. Katie P.
Hey!!! I told Janet I added your page to my "list" but hadn't figured out how to contact you yet. Thanks for writing, so I could just reply! :) Anyway, I can't believe how close we are! AGAIN! That was just too crazy when I heard!!! So, how many more children are we planning on having?! :) HA! Anyway, congrats to you both too! I have seen your page (Janet showed it to me and nudged me along in doing one for us) and I love it! I thought I'd take a different spin on our page, at least until the baby is born....to some I may seem crazy, but oh well! Let me know how your ultrasound goes! I'll check your blog. I had a doctor's appt this afternoon, but the ultrasound place was already closed. So, tomorrow they will schedule my appointment and let me know when it is. They told me it will be the week of the 20th or 27th - to get the measurements. Is that what your Oct 13th appointment is for too? That's also the appointment we'll find out the sex (if I can convince Chris!). I can't believe you guys already know it's a boy!! I am so jealous!!! Congrats again and keep us posted! Hi to Ross and Leah!
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