Monday, June 6, 2011

What's new?

It has been too long since I've told you what I'm doing that's new!  Here's a short list....

I can say my ABC's all the way to "Z!!"  Sometimes I confuse "S" and "X," and I usually end the ABC song with "Now I know my ABCDEF (etc)."  I don't quite get the "next time won't you sing with me." :)

I can count to 11.

I talk really well and clear. And I say complete sentences.  My conversation with mommy tonight went like this: "Where's my monkey?" Mommy said "Your monkey?" I said, "I don't know where he is." Mommy said "I don't know either." And I said "Lets find him."

Another conversation the other morning went like this:  Mommy asked, "What would you like for breakfast?" (as we are walking into the kitchen)  I spot a bag of Cheetos and say, "Cheetos and ice cream!"  Clearly mommy is pregnant and clearly I get my cravings from her! :)  Mommy, for all my cuteness, surrendered to a frozen yogurt pop for breakfast (she freezes my yogurts and they are yummy that way!)!

I love Dora, Elmo, Dinosaur Train, Thomas the Train, and princesses. I love to play dress up, play with my dolls and barbies and my little ponies, play with my choo-choo trains and paint/draw/color. I love to go outside and swing, slide, play in the sand, go on wagon/stroller rides, draw with chalk and swim.

I sit on the potty and try to use it.  I have had a couple successes, but overall I just read and draw.  Hopefully one day I'll be potty trained! :) Mommy isn't pushing me, maybe after the new baby arrives and we've all adjusted, we'll really start the potty training.

I now sleep in my big girl bed (a full size bed that my crib/toddler bed converted to). I still have my paci....

And so much more!

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